To build Puketapu 3A Incorporation into a successful agri-business delivering value to whanau.

Our Mission & Vision
Our mission: To build on the achievements of yesterday for the benefit of our people tomorrow.
Our vision: To build Puketapu 3A into a successful agri-business delivering value to whānau.
Our core strategies focus on tangata, the organisation and asset growth in order to deliver benefits to the owners, underpinned by core values of tangata, whenua, growth and leadership.

Owners Information
When Puketapu 3A Block was partitioned by order of the Native Land Court on 3 December 1919, there were 190 owners holding a total of 179.5 shares. The owners primarily descended from the hapu of Ngati Turamakina and Ngati Hinemihi.
At 30 June 2020, the ownership of Puketapu 3A Incorporation had grown to 1,645 owners holding a total of 1,310,846 shares.
Currently, we do not have addresses for 1/3rd of our owners, and our unclaimed dividend putea amounts to over $400,000.
Please review the list of owners to who we owe dividends. If you know any of these people, or if you want to know if you are an owner in our Incorporation please contact us.

Do you need help succeeding to your shares in Puketapu 3A Incorporation?
We can help you to succeed to your Incorporation shares. Please contact us to find out how.